Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm Dr B now!!!!!!!!!!!!

I passed my PhD viva with minor corrections the other day, so now I'm a Dr! It's quite funny really after all that time, effort and angst! My brother couldn't stop chortling on the phone and I've been getting cards addressed to Dr too, not sure what the postman thought about my sister-in-law's congratulations to Dr Death though!

It went alright, nice examiners who all knew each other already, they really liked my work and asked okayish questions. It lasted an hour and a half, then they spent ages, maybe an hour deliberating about the results before they called us back in to tell me I'd passed. We were wondering if they'd popped out for afternoon tea or something as it took so long. They asked if they could see the workshops as they seemed to find the whole art school thing very interesting, so one of the staff gave us a quick tour. And they liked the domed college foyer where your voice echoes in a really strange way if you stand in one particular spot.

Then my nice colleagues took me to the pub for a well earned drink. So that's nearly that, I suppose and I can move on to something else. Whaaaaheyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!


Roses said...

Congratulations honey! Well done you!

Woooo Hooooo!!!!!!

dickiebo said...

Very well done, Claire. Smart sod!!! lol.

Helen McCookerybook said...

Congratulations Claire! Join the wacky doctors club!

Claire said...

Thanks everyone! I can't stop smiling at the moment, though hopefully not in a deranged person way!

Dickiebo, yes, I'm officially a smart sod now so we can't argue with that lol!!!

deb said...

Yay, Dr. Claire!

You are now officially in the...
Piled Higher and Deeper club!